Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

"Tragedy of Culture" of Drive Through Dining

"Tragedy of Culture" Dinner Time At In-N-Out

The Evolution of the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant has transitioned from a weekly visit as a treat for local families to a dinner time staple.  Culturally some time ago it was typical and ideal for a family to minimum sit down for breakfast and dinner.  These were important family moments to catch up on the days events and to spend quality time enjoying a home cooked meal. Depicted here in the photo is what Georg Simmel defines as "Tragedy of Culture".  At any given time of the day one can drive past an In-N-Out eatery and find lines such as this one that is backed up into traffic...Actually at this particular location there are two lines. This photo in particularly was taken during dinner time where several families will ideally drive thru, receive their order, eat in their vehicle, and head on to the next destination in their busy schedule.  Fast food establishments are hip to the new culture of customers are always on the run with somewhere important to be and no time to cook themselves something to eat. To meet the demand restaurants create low prices with specials that will feed a family of 4 for less than $20 without anyone having to do the work of cooking.  Not only is this a tragedy because it contributes to unhealthy eating habits, but it has tragically taken away the traditional sit down family dinner that is extremely necessary for family bonding. 

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