Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

The "Generalized Other" of the Storm Trooper

Storm Troopers assume "Generalized Other" At Star Wars Presentation
George Herbert Meade's "Generalized Other" is a role that one's self is responsible for acting out within a community or organization.  One must understand his role as a participate and how important it is to practically transform your thinking and project your attitude in accordance with the group.  This requires one to realize it is really the self controlling the attitude. As an example above these Storm Troopers who are also avid Star Wars enthusiast have studied the culture, history, and embraced themselves into the world of fellow Star Wars fans.  When asked to participate in several corporate Star War events these Storm Troopers take on the Generalized Other and act in a manner to project the attitude of Storm Troopers thus playing their role and contributing to our Star Wars experience at the event.  Throughout the entire event they continued to act in concert with the other Star War characters to influence the views of the observers.  As obsessed as many Star Wars fans who attended seemed to be, it would not surprise me if once the troopers remove their costume that their true self does believe that they are in some form an actual space trooper. :)

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