Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Conspicuous Overconsumption & Waste Of Food

Trashed Treats "Conspicuous Consumption Wasted"
This is my first blog but I am happy to have a forum to express my concern for the waste of food that I experience at my job weekly.  I work for a company who's motto is known to the world as always providing an over the top experience when one visits our theme parks.  In keeping with tradition, weekly there is consistently free food brought in to feed employees and the amount ordered is always excessively three to four times the amount needed.  Initially when we as employees encounter the grand layout it appears extravagant! That is the bar that society has set and my company does a great job of beyond meeting that expectation.  This Conspicuous Consumption as Veblen theorizes appears to those that place the order to be practical.  At the end of every event, 1 hour later, I watch as the clean up crew waste and throw away platters of perfectly good sandwiches, hot dogs, salads, and pour gallons of beverages down the drain.  All of this I keep in mind and there is a homeless shelter across the street that has residents that would greatly appreciate one of the sweet treats pictured above. We have become more consumed with making impressions rather than calculating before spending how much we will utilize to avoid waste.

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