Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Alienated From The Outside Looking In

"Alienation" Outsiders Working Within
Typically in every form of business there is an organizational chart listing the participants in the organization according to hierarchy.  In many instances those lowest on the chart in ranking are often overlooked and isolated.  In the workforce Sociologist Karl Marx introduces this theory of association as "Alienation".  There are four basic components that can contribute to alienation but I would like to cover one that I have observed in my own experience.  Pictured above are two shuttle workers that sit all day outside my place of employment. Whether it is raining or 100 degrees, the job of these two individuals is to drive employees back and forth to their vehicles in an off-site parking lot.  They are alienated from the other 400 employees in our building in several ways. Physically they are isolated outside and required to not enter the building unless they are using the restroom or to obtain something to drink.  Even when entering the building they must sign in at the front desk every time unlike the rest of the employees. When we have special events with food and free gifts they are not invited and must remain outside.  In addition I have personally observed riding in the shuttle several times and many employees do not greet or interact with the drivers.  This would specifically be an example of the "alienated from their fellow worker's" components that Marx mentions.  The treatment of these employees has caused them to self reflect a specific interpretation of themselves of being inferior that is quite evident. Several times I have encountered both drivers when they enter the building to obtain a something to drink, and each time in a submissive tone they ask my permission "Is it okay if I grab a cup of water?" I reply "of course".  How low on the chart must this gentleman feel to ask me is it okay to obtain something that is free such as water?  Alienation not only affects employee morale but it also affects the self esteem of the alienated. 

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