Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Ideal Type Bureacracy of UPS & FedEx

Bureaucracy of FedEx

Bureaucracy of UPS
Shipping carriers UPS and FedEx are the elite of what Max Weber theorizes as an "Ideal Typical Bureaucracy" Institution. To satisfy the characteristics of their bureaucracy they both have managed to consistently deliver services superior to competitors such as The Postal Service or DHL in such a manner that the later DHL had to minimize their services to internationally only as they were unable to compete.  These two institutions effectively execute their services through workers similar to the two pictured above.  Their organization consist of several local hubs, each office has organizational hierarchy by seniority. Those in authority enforce structure and organization delegating orders to the warehouse workers who then filter and distribute incoming and outgoing domestic and international packages. Those packages are then loaded into a truck similar to the one in the UPS picture above and the driver with resources provided such as a dollies, and work gloves efficiently carry's out his role of delivering packages within the appropriate time frame.  Although their services are not flawless, they are consistent and solid  enough to implement UPS and FedEx as fixtures in the shipping industry. 

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