Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Simmel's "Social Types"-The Poor

Department of Enabling "Social Type"-The Poor
Referencing his theory of "Social Types" George Simmel indicated in his 1971 essay "The Poor" that "Aid to the poor by society helps support the system in order to prevent them from becoming active and dangerous enemies of society"(Ritzer 274) In essence the purpose of the aid is not because we are concerned with taking care of the poor and assisting them in transitioning out of poverty. The main purpose is ultimately ensuring the safety of society. Simmel's theory was brought to light when Bill Clinton implemented the Welfare Reform Act in 1996 ending the ability of the poor to receive financial public assistance for extended periods without attending school or working. Even with that in place past and present there is no proven correlation that less crimes are committed by those receiving public assistance.

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