Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Permanent Street Housing a "Social Fact"

The "Social Facts" of  "The Poor" Street Housing
Emile Durkheim's Theory of "Social Facts" can be clearly observed while strolling down a sidewalk in West Hollywood, Ca.  It is not uncommon to see a scenario such as depicted in this photo where one's entire collection of assets and life's belongings are bundled in plastic grocery bags and luggage exposed to the world on a community sidewalk.  It is a social fact that this is such a sense of normalcy that we now just walk past those lying on the sidewalk. It is a norm even to law enforcement, as for the past 6 months I have walked past this same sidewalk filled with makeshift beds of cardboard and no one has addressed that we are unable to walk on the sidewalk, instead we walk around the homeless into the street to accommodate their permanent housing. It is a Social Fact that this epidemic exist because the social structures that are put in place restrict many people from having the ability to afford housing as rent control is out of control in Los Angeles.  In addition there is no structural funding in place to particularly battle the treatment of mental illness that plagues many of the homeless.  Although homelessness exist all over the country, the situation in Los Angeles is quite unique in comparison for example to Singapore where there does not exist an entire tent city such as Skid Row where morally no one has intervened to say this is an inhumane way of living. It is a social fact of acceptance to observe men, women, and children hungry, filthy, cold, and hopeless, and to not offer a helping hand even if we have the means to do so.

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