Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Ritual Sacred Daily Prayer

Discrete Sign For Islamic Temple

"The Sacred" Men's Prayer Room @ Islamic Temple
Emile Durkheim's theory of religion thoroughly explores "The Sacred and The Profane" beliefs and rituals of religious groups.  Although prayer is common in many religions, in the Islamic or Muslim religion there is a sense of how sacred, how deeply rooted their beliefs are in their ritual of prayer.  In the Muslim culture it is traditional to pray a minimum of five times a day.  In a room at the temple like the one pictured above one will be able to observe as many as several hundred men on their knees in prayer at any of the given call to prayer times.  It is their religious belief that women should be separate in this ritual so, in a separate room next to the one shown women would kneel in the same position praying to their God. This ritual requires belief, submission, and dedication and that in itself makes it truly sacred. 

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