Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Spencer's "Compounded Societies & Increased Integration"

Increased Integration
Compounded Housing Society
With a population of over 38 million and growing, Los Angeles is overcrowded and impacted in every area imaginable.  The influx of immigrants in particular increases integration resulting in a melting pot of diversity at an enormous rate challenging the availability of housing.  As a result we have began to see mega apartment complexes like the lofts pictured above.  Two of these units were recently built adjacent to one another in a residential neighborhood that primarily consist of single family resident homes or 2-4 unit building.  While on the other two corners the complexes seen in the first photo have been constructed. Each of these mega complexes consist of 156 units of 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartments.  At full capacity that would mean at a minimum in a block radius there would be approximately 2500  residents added to the community.  This would be a perfect example of Herbert Spencer's theory of  "Compounded Societies" in that we now have people living on top of people on top of people.  In actually perhaps this would qualify under Spencer's doubly-compound socieities in that these are multi-units stacked upon multi-units.

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