Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Marx's "Dialectal Analysis" of E-Books Vs. Traditional Books

Fact And Value of  E-Book Usage Via IPad

Past, Present, & Future The Inevitable demise of The Library
A Dialectical Analysis

If theorist Karl Marx were to analyze the phenomenon of E-books from a dialectical viewpoint, his conclusion would find that based on facts we now value devices that provide access to books at a higher standard than we value the traditional Library which holds an equal amount of information. The Public Library in the past would be the first place one would go to research for a school project, pick out a nice novel to read in a quiet environment, or take a small child for a weekly library reading event.  Presently library branch budgets have been cut resulting in reduced hours and staff due to the decrease in visitation from library patrons.  These facts exist because technology such as Ipads and kindles allow the convenience of a patron to download books from the convenience of their home.  In addition all books can be held on one device rather than carrying several heavy books.  From a Dialectics predication of the present can influence and predict the future, traditional libraries with books will be practically instinct and perhaps replaced by enormous Internet Cafe's. 

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