Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

Showgirls & "Sexuo Economics"

"Sexuo-Economic Relations Women In The Workforce
Historically, women have always been labeled as submissive, weak, and powerless to male counterparts. Whether it is in the household or the workforce domination of women by men is customary. The sexuality of women for the purpose of financial gain has also been an accepted practice.  When women are visibly seen performing in roles particularly projecting their sexuality such as prostitution or exotic dancing there is typically a dominate male organizing the the entire operation. In her works Sociologist Charlotte Gilman identifies men in this role as the "master class" and women are their disempowered social beings.(Ritzer pg301) Gilman theorizes this association amongst men and women to be a "Sexuo-economic relation".  The picture above is a depiction of one such institution where this pattern takes place a, Gentleman's Club.  The role of this particular workforce is to engage in enticing and at times demeaning behavior pleasing to her patrons which are predominately men.  As Gilman and Marx agree on, this type of daily behavior eventually morphs into the individuals personality, it becomes a permanent character in her life. The woman may then take on not only behaving submissively in her workplace but in all other areas of her life. 

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