Man or Machine

Man or Machine
Tech vs. Spiritual Enlightment

The "Generalized Other" of the Storm Trooper

Storm Troopers assume "Generalized Other" At Star Wars Presentation
George Herbert Meade's "Generalized Other" is a role that one's self is responsible for acting out within a community or organization.  One must understand his role as a participate and how important it is to practically transform your thinking and project your attitude in accordance with the group.  This requires one to realize it is really the self controlling the attitude. As an example above these Storm Troopers who are also avid Star Wars enthusiast have studied the culture, history, and embraced themselves into the world of fellow Star Wars fans.  When asked to participate in several corporate Star War events these Storm Troopers take on the Generalized Other and act in a manner to project the attitude of Storm Troopers thus playing their role and contributing to our Star Wars experience at the event.  Throughout the entire event they continued to act in concert with the other Star War characters to influence the views of the observers.  As obsessed as many Star Wars fans who attended seemed to be, it would not surprise me if once the troopers remove their costume that their true self does believe that they are in some form an actual space trooper. :)

Conspicuous Overconsumption & Waste Of Food

Trashed Treats "Conspicuous Consumption Wasted"
This is my first blog but I am happy to have a forum to express my concern for the waste of food that I experience at my job weekly.  I work for a company who's motto is known to the world as always providing an over the top experience when one visits our theme parks.  In keeping with tradition, weekly there is consistently free food brought in to feed employees and the amount ordered is always excessively three to four times the amount needed.  Initially when we as employees encounter the grand layout it appears extravagant! That is the bar that society has set and my company does a great job of beyond meeting that expectation.  This Conspicuous Consumption as Veblen theorizes appears to those that place the order to be practical.  At the end of every event, 1 hour later, I watch as the clean up crew waste and throw away platters of perfectly good sandwiches, hot dogs, salads, and pour gallons of beverages down the drain.  All of this I keep in mind and there is a homeless shelter across the street that has residents that would greatly appreciate one of the sweet treats pictured above. We have become more consumed with making impressions rather than calculating before spending how much we will utilize to avoid waste.

Showgirls & "Sexuo Economics"

"Sexuo-Economic Relations Women In The Workforce
Historically, women have always been labeled as submissive, weak, and powerless to male counterparts. Whether it is in the household or the workforce domination of women by men is customary. The sexuality of women for the purpose of financial gain has also been an accepted practice.  When women are visibly seen performing in roles particularly projecting their sexuality such as prostitution or exotic dancing there is typically a dominate male organizing the the entire operation. In her works Sociologist Charlotte Gilman identifies men in this role as the "master class" and women are their disempowered social beings.(Ritzer pg301) Gilman theorizes this association amongst men and women to be a "Sexuo-economic relation".  The picture above is a depiction of one such institution where this pattern takes place a, Gentleman's Club.  The role of this particular workforce is to engage in enticing and at times demeaning behavior pleasing to her patrons which are predominately men.  As Gilman and Marx agree on, this type of daily behavior eventually morphs into the individuals personality, it becomes a permanent character in her life. The woman may then take on not only behaving submissively in her workplace but in all other areas of her life. 

Dubois "Grade 4" Criminal "The Negro Social Class"

Criminal Grade 4 of "The Negro Class"
W.E.B. Dubois observed during his "Philadelphia Negro" research a difference in the Negro social class system in comparison to the white community.  In comparison the first three classes are similar, but in the latter class system there is a small percentile who are in a class of their own. As depicted above an individual from Dubois "Grade 4 Class" under arrest by a Los Angeles Police Officer.  I personally observed the high speed chase and the individual who is shown fleeing from his vehicle before being apprehended.  This class is the lowest of the low consisting of criminals, prostitutes, and loafers, they are of the lowest percentile in the African American Community. 

Veblen's Business Versus Industry

The "Business vs Industry" of "The Price System" of Gas
The fluctuation in the price of Gas at this point no longer has anything to do with the Industry.  It is clear in this photo with the price of premium gas at $4.49 that gas companies are financially functioning well.  Owners of several gas companies competitively race the prices offering customers random excuses that we have no ability to research for validation.  It is quite odd that this gas station in particular will post this price for premium and two blocks over the price will be 40 cents higher depending on the zip code of the area.  This form of competitive sabotage is not regulated and continues driving up the price of gas.  We as customers are then forced to comply especially in cities such as Los Angeles where typically the most logical means of transportation is a vehicle. The Business Leaders of the gas industry as Veblen describes would not be able to lower prices to accommodate those who can not afford the hike and if they did they would be drowned by their competitors. 

Ideal Type Bureacracy of UPS & FedEx

Bureaucracy of FedEx

Bureaucracy of UPS
Shipping carriers UPS and FedEx are the elite of what Max Weber theorizes as an "Ideal Typical Bureaucracy" Institution. To satisfy the characteristics of their bureaucracy they both have managed to consistently deliver services superior to competitors such as The Postal Service or DHL in such a manner that the later DHL had to minimize their services to internationally only as they were unable to compete.  These two institutions effectively execute their services through workers similar to the two pictured above.  Their organization consist of several local hubs, each office has organizational hierarchy by seniority. Those in authority enforce structure and organization delegating orders to the warehouse workers who then filter and distribute incoming and outgoing domestic and international packages. Those packages are then loaded into a truck similar to the one in the UPS picture above and the driver with resources provided such as a dollies, and work gloves efficiently carry's out his role of delivering packages within the appropriate time frame.  Although their services are not flawless, they are consistent and solid  enough to implement UPS and FedEx as fixtures in the shipping industry. 

Dyad Vs. Triad Creative Groups

Dyad Creative Team
Triad Meeting
If one were to take a poll at my office to inquire if employees consider creative ideas and resolutions are gained in groups of 2 vs 3 I think the office would be somewhat split.  George Simmel had a "Social Geometry" theory that numbers influence the experience of interaction within a group.  Although this might be quite true, in the case of the two interactions depicted in the photos displayed above the parties involved would probably prefer the setup of their meetings rather than the opposite.  For example in the top photo depicting a dyad or two person group the creative designers are making a final decision on the dress of a princess doll.  This project is rather small and the decision would become more complicated if another individual were involved offering their opinion.  The Triad meeting below however which consist of three individuals discussing the fall window display.  As Simmel expresses in his theory one of the third parties in this meeting is a director thus ultimately outranking the other two.  Although the director knows those facts he is relying on the coordinator and the manager to collectively present various ideas in which from that information he will make his final decision.  In comparison with the Dyad there is less room for conflict as there are only two to disagree on a matter.

"Tragedy of Culture" of Drive Through Dining

"Tragedy of Culture" Dinner Time At In-N-Out

The Evolution of the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant has transitioned from a weekly visit as a treat for local families to a dinner time staple.  Culturally some time ago it was typical and ideal for a family to minimum sit down for breakfast and dinner.  These were important family moments to catch up on the days events and to spend quality time enjoying a home cooked meal. Depicted here in the photo is what Georg Simmel defines as "Tragedy of Culture".  At any given time of the day one can drive past an In-N-Out eatery and find lines such as this one that is backed up into traffic...Actually at this particular location there are two lines. This photo in particularly was taken during dinner time where several families will ideally drive thru, receive their order, eat in their vehicle, and head on to the next destination in their busy schedule.  Fast food establishments are hip to the new culture of customers are always on the run with somewhere important to be and no time to cook themselves something to eat. To meet the demand restaurants create low prices with specials that will feed a family of 4 for less than $20 without anyone having to do the work of cooking.  Not only is this a tragedy because it contributes to unhealthy eating habits, but it has tragically taken away the traditional sit down family dinner that is extremely necessary for family bonding. 

Marx's "Dialectal Analysis" of E-Books Vs. Traditional Books

Fact And Value of  E-Book Usage Via IPad

Past, Present, & Future The Inevitable demise of The Library
A Dialectical Analysis

If theorist Karl Marx were to analyze the phenomenon of E-books from a dialectical viewpoint, his conclusion would find that based on facts we now value devices that provide access to books at a higher standard than we value the traditional Library which holds an equal amount of information. The Public Library in the past would be the first place one would go to research for a school project, pick out a nice novel to read in a quiet environment, or take a small child for a weekly library reading event.  Presently library branch budgets have been cut resulting in reduced hours and staff due to the decrease in visitation from library patrons.  These facts exist because technology such as Ipads and kindles allow the convenience of a patron to download books from the convenience of their home.  In addition all books can be held on one device rather than carrying several heavy books.  From a Dialectics predication of the present can influence and predict the future, traditional libraries with books will be practically instinct and perhaps replaced by enormous Internet Cafe's. 

Alienated From The Outside Looking In

"Alienation" Outsiders Working Within
Typically in every form of business there is an organizational chart listing the participants in the organization according to hierarchy.  In many instances those lowest on the chart in ranking are often overlooked and isolated.  In the workforce Sociologist Karl Marx introduces this theory of association as "Alienation".  There are four basic components that can contribute to alienation but I would like to cover one that I have observed in my own experience.  Pictured above are two shuttle workers that sit all day outside my place of employment. Whether it is raining or 100 degrees, the job of these two individuals is to drive employees back and forth to their vehicles in an off-site parking lot.  They are alienated from the other 400 employees in our building in several ways. Physically they are isolated outside and required to not enter the building unless they are using the restroom or to obtain something to drink.  Even when entering the building they must sign in at the front desk every time unlike the rest of the employees. When we have special events with food and free gifts they are not invited and must remain outside.  In addition I have personally observed riding in the shuttle several times and many employees do not greet or interact with the drivers.  This would specifically be an example of the "alienated from their fellow worker's" components that Marx mentions.  The treatment of these employees has caused them to self reflect a specific interpretation of themselves of being inferior that is quite evident. Several times I have encountered both drivers when they enter the building to obtain a something to drink, and each time in a submissive tone they ask my permission "Is it okay if I grab a cup of water?" I reply "of course".  How low on the chart must this gentleman feel to ask me is it okay to obtain something that is free such as water?  Alienation not only affects employee morale but it also affects the self esteem of the alienated. 

Ritual Sacred Daily Prayer

Discrete Sign For Islamic Temple

"The Sacred" Men's Prayer Room @ Islamic Temple
Emile Durkheim's theory of religion thoroughly explores "The Sacred and The Profane" beliefs and rituals of religious groups.  Although prayer is common in many religions, in the Islamic or Muslim religion there is a sense of how sacred, how deeply rooted their beliefs are in their ritual of prayer.  In the Muslim culture it is traditional to pray a minimum of five times a day.  In a room at the temple like the one pictured above one will be able to observe as many as several hundred men on their knees in prayer at any of the given call to prayer times.  It is their religious belief that women should be separate in this ritual so, in a separate room next to the one shown women would kneel in the same position praying to their God. This ritual requires belief, submission, and dedication and that in itself makes it truly sacred. 

Spencer's "Compounded Societies & Increased Integration"

Increased Integration
Compounded Housing Society
With a population of over 38 million and growing, Los Angeles is overcrowded and impacted in every area imaginable.  The influx of immigrants in particular increases integration resulting in a melting pot of diversity at an enormous rate challenging the availability of housing.  As a result we have began to see mega apartment complexes like the lofts pictured above.  Two of these units were recently built adjacent to one another in a residential neighborhood that primarily consist of single family resident homes or 2-4 unit building.  While on the other two corners the complexes seen in the first photo have been constructed. Each of these mega complexes consist of 156 units of 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartments.  At full capacity that would mean at a minimum in a block radius there would be approximately 2500  residents added to the community.  This would be a perfect example of Herbert Spencer's theory of  "Compounded Societies" in that we now have people living on top of people on top of people.  In actually perhaps this would qualify under Spencer's doubly-compound socieities in that these are multi-units stacked upon multi-units.

Simmel's "Social Types"-The Poor

Department of Enabling "Social Type"-The Poor
Referencing his theory of "Social Types" George Simmel indicated in his 1971 essay "The Poor" that "Aid to the poor by society helps support the system in order to prevent them from becoming active and dangerous enemies of society"(Ritzer 274) In essence the purpose of the aid is not because we are concerned with taking care of the poor and assisting them in transitioning out of poverty. The main purpose is ultimately ensuring the safety of society. Simmel's theory was brought to light when Bill Clinton implemented the Welfare Reform Act in 1996 ending the ability of the poor to receive financial public assistance for extended periods without attending school or working. Even with that in place past and present there is no proven correlation that less crimes are committed by those receiving public assistance.

Permanent Street Housing a "Social Fact"

The "Social Facts" of  "The Poor" Street Housing
Emile Durkheim's Theory of "Social Facts" can be clearly observed while strolling down a sidewalk in West Hollywood, Ca.  It is not uncommon to see a scenario such as depicted in this photo where one's entire collection of assets and life's belongings are bundled in plastic grocery bags and luggage exposed to the world on a community sidewalk.  It is a social fact that this is such a sense of normalcy that we now just walk past those lying on the sidewalk. It is a norm even to law enforcement, as for the past 6 months I have walked past this same sidewalk filled with makeshift beds of cardboard and no one has addressed that we are unable to walk on the sidewalk, instead we walk around the homeless into the street to accommodate their permanent housing. It is a Social Fact that this epidemic exist because the social structures that are put in place restrict many people from having the ability to afford housing as rent control is out of control in Los Angeles.  In addition there is no structural funding in place to particularly battle the treatment of mental illness that plagues many of the homeless.  Although homelessness exist all over the country, the situation in Los Angeles is quite unique in comparison for example to Singapore where there does not exist an entire tent city such as Skid Row where morally no one has intervened to say this is an inhumane way of living. It is a social fact of acceptance to observe men, women, and children hungry, filthy, cold, and hopeless, and to not offer a helping hand even if we have the means to do so.

Redbox Rationality

"Formal Rationality"of Self Serve Video Store

Max Weber's Classical Theory of Formal Rationality can be found on practically every corner in the form of this little Red Kiosk that dispenses an evening of movie entertainment in a matter of moments without the hassle of browsing an entire store.  For the Corporation "Redbox" several of the components that contribute to the success of this phenomenon consist of characteristics of Formal Rationality.  First the calculability or the ability to keep track of not only the number of kiosk per mile radius serving the population, but also the ability to monitor how often and how much the community rent movies in specific demographic areas. This calculability contributes to the predictability of rental which will ensure efficiency of services once rental records are taken into consideration.  One might question "what about the irrational consequences the company might suffer by replacing humans with non human technology"? Ultimately that is a risk Redbox has taken but, with the requirement of all purchases are to be done with a debit or credit card, this eliminates theft of videos by holding individuals accountable through their banking institutions. Win Win for Redbox, Lose Lose for Blockbuster Video Stores who are now no longer in business.